Configured with ultra-low latency network cards, the Broadbery CyberServe range of overclocked servers means you'll never miss a golden opportunity again where you're high frequency trading servers haven’t been able to trade to the exchange quickly enough. Broadberry high frequency trading servers can keep your low message latency network fully engaged, earning you higher profits, cutting off potential losses sooner, and maximising your portfolios better.
Analyse complex protein folding sequences much faster with Broadberry's range of overclocked servers for medical research professionals. With 56GHz of processing power at your disposal our overclocked servers out-perform other 16 core clusters solutions available.
Massive data analysis and solution rendering calculations mean you're often waiting around waiting for your results. Broadberry's powerful and reliable overclocked servers are perfect for engineers and architects who demand the ultimate processing power, so there will be no more long coffee breaks or boring walks around the office whilst you wait for processing.
Easily mountable into almost any rack and designed with power efficiency in mind, our range of overclocked servers can be used in data centers where processing power is required. With hot swappable drives and redundant power supplies our servers are designed for 100% uptime like your customers expect.
Double the number of clients you can hire a servers processing core to with our breakthrough range of overclocked servers without impacting performance. Our range of overclocked CyberServe servers offer massive performance per core meaning much more bang for your buck.
Before leaving our UK workshop, all Broadberry server and storage solutions undergo a rigorous 48 hour testing procedure. This, along with the high-quality industry leading components ensures all of our server and storage solutions meet the strictest quality guidelines demanded from us.
Our main objective is to offer great value, high-quality server and storage solutions, we understand that every company has different requirements and as such are able to offer un-equaled flexibility in designing custom server and storage solutions to meet our clients' needs.
We have established ourselves as one of the biggest storage providers in the UK, and since 1989 supplied our server and storage solutions to the world's biggest brands. Our customers include: